21 Ways to Engage Your Employees (that won’t break the bank)

Keeping employees actively engaged in the workplace isn’t only important to build a positive work culture, it can also save you some big bucks. In fact, according to a Gallup poll, disengaged employees could be costing the US anywhere between $450-550 billion.

Here are 21 things that won’t break the bank, but will still have your employees giving you a big thumbs up.



It’s often the little things like your employees having a sense of belonging at the workplace, the ability to form bonds beyond just work with their colleagues, and getting a clap on the back for a job well done.

Although employee engagement plays a pivotal role in the workplace, it’s almost always worked on as an afterthought and overlooked as an essential element to the overall success of an organization. Given that a boost in productivity, collaborations and innovations are byproducts of a highly engaged workforce, it is imperative that employee engagement is given the importance it deserves.